
3/21/2020 0:00 - 5/26/2021 0:00

Loki was born to his birth mom in Chickasha, Oklahoma. She was, unfortunately, murdered by a neighborhood dog when he was just 2 weeks old. Then he came to live with his mom, Ashley Rather, his dad, Samuel Rather and his brothers Jordyn, John, Chance, and Zacheriah. Loki was bottle fed and not so easily weaned. He had an attitude that's for sure. His vet office nicknamed him the bottle fed brat cat because no one could do anything to him without mom being present. He had the most special relationship with his mother and would scream what sounded like mom when she was not around. His brother, Jordyn and him had a love/hate relationship, but in reality he was one of his very best friends. The other boys would get their feet attacked as they walked by but never out of anger only out of play. It was hilarious because you would always hear someone yell "Loki " from across the house and that would mean he got someone else. He thought he had to eat/drink whatever his mother ate/drank. One of his favorite drinks was unsweetened tea. He was his mother's emotional support and very best friend. He is survived by his sisters Cali and Ninja and a litter of kittens. Among the litter is Dabi, Theo, Keyoko, Henita, Dixie Mae, Caddo, Simba, and Haze. He had such a short but amazing life. He will definitely be missed and will be in our hearts forever. Mommy will always miss her little bottle fed brat cat! Loki will be buried with his mother upon her passing so that they can rest together forever.
Loki you were more than a cat. You were my child. I grieve you so hard. You were here such a short time but forever in our hearts. I can't wait to see the rainbow bridge and you waiting for me on the other side